About Us
America's Boating Club Grosse Pointe (Grosse Pointe Power Squadron) was charted in 1939 and is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons® a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to making boating safe and more enjoyable by teaching a variety of boating classes related subjects. America’s Boating Club, The United States Power Squadrons', organizational structure is comprised of thirty-three districts located throughout the United States. America's Boating Club Grosse Pointe is a member of District Nine.
Since 1942, America's Boating Club Grosse Pointe has taught all Power Squadron classes. In 1945 our official publication, TARS & TRIPE, was created. Our club grew with membership passing the three hundred mark in 1961. Our Club is the largest Squadron in District 9. In 2023 America's Boating Club Grosse Pointe (Grosse Pointe Power Squadron) celebrated its 84th Anniversary.
District Nine has fourteen local squadrons located in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. The district serves as the link between the national organization and the local clubs. It serves as a resource to the squadrons' leadership by providing information to the squadrons. It also provides feedback to the national organization about items of concern to the squadrons.
Squadron Burgee Heraldry
The blue border depicts the land that surrounds Lake St. Clair. The yellow area and line define Lake St. Clair, the St. Clair River and the border that is the boundary between the United States and Canada. The red semicircle is our home base on Lake St. Clair and the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club where we hold our meetings, classes, and social functions.